Barnstable |
Code of Ordinances |
Part VIII. Planning Board Regulations |
Chapter 801. Subdivision Regulations |
Article VIII. Inspection |
§ 801-61. Inspection of required improvements.
Latest version.
The following inspections of the required improvements will be made by the applicant's engineer and may be verified by the Board's engineer. These inspections may be in addition to any other inspection the Board may make or cause to be made. All sampling and testing of materials shall be performed by qualified personnel acceptable to the Town and shall be at the applicant's expense. At the discretion of the Board's engineer or the applicant's engineer, additional sampling may be required.A.First inspection. An inspection will be made of the work upon completion of all clearing, grubbing and excavation and all work incidental thereto as may be required or implied in § 801-39. No fill shall have been placed at the time of this inspection.B.Second inspection.(1)An inspection will be made of the completed drainage system (without backfill) as required or implied herein or on the definitive plan. At the same time, or such other time as the work may be available, an inspection will be made of the completed utilities (without backfill) as required on the definitive plan. The inspection of the required utilities will be made by the agency responsible for the particular service as well as by the applicant's engineer. The Board's engineer shall also be notified so that he or she may inspect the utilities prior to backfill. Each agency so involved will notify the Board's engineer of the approval of such work.(2)Backfill of any portion of the drainage system or utilities shall not be made until after receipt of notification of approval or acceptance by the applicant's engineer or agency responsible.(3)The inspection of the construction of the ways shall include the inspection of the backfilling and compaction of all utility trenches as may be installed by utility companies, and such work shall be performed in the manner as required by these rules and regulations. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to insure compliance with these requirements. If, in the opinion of the Planning Board, the backfilling and compaction of utility trenches and the patching of the pavement, if required, has not been performed in accordance with these rules and regulations, the Board's engineer may require compaction tests and the Planning Board may not release the bond or covenant applicable until such work has been performed to the satisfaction of the Planning Board.C.Third inspection. An inspection will be made of the compacted fill as specified in § 801-43 and as may be required to bring the roadways to their proposed grades. The applicant shall notify the Town and the applicant's engineer as to the source of gravel for fill as soon as such information is known, so that samples may be taken and analyzed by the Town and the applicant's engineer. The applicant is hereby advised not to proceed with the filling operation until such time as the Town and the applicant's engineer notifies the applicant that the gravel proposed for the fill is acceptable, if the applicant proceeds with the fill prior to such notice this act shall be at the applicant's own risk. The applicant shall not use a gravel source other than the one designated without prior notice to the Board and the applicant's engineer. Compaction tests shall be required and submitted to the Board's engineer.D.Fourth inspection. An inspection will be made of the first six inch layer of compacted roadway foundation as specified in § 801-44. A gravel sample or samples may be taken at the option of the applicant's engineer, in the same manner as prescribed for the third inspection. Compaction tests shall be required and submitted to the Board's engineer.E.Fifth inspection. An inspection will be made of the final six-inch layer of compacted roadway foundation (prior to the application of the asphalt penetration) as specified in § 801-44 and gravel samples may be taken by the Board's engineer. Compaction tests shall be required and submitted to the Board's engineer.F.Sixth inspection. An inspection of the binder course of mix during placement and following completion. If required, samples of the mix shall be taken by the applicant's engineer or the Board's engineer for the purposes of performing extraction tests, compaction tests or pavement thickness tests. Core drill samples may be required at the applicant's expense. Certified paving slips indicating bituminous concrete quantities shall be submitted to the applicant's engineer who will tabulate the quantities and check the correlation with the anticipated qualities and then forward the slips and a report to the Board's engineer.G.Seventh inspection. An inspection of the top course of mix before, during and following the placement of the mix shall be performed. A tack coat shall be applied to the binder course of mix prior to placement of the topcoat where required by the applicant's engineer or the Board's engineer. The requirements regarding sampling, testing and quantity slips indicated in Subsection F for binder course shall also apply to the top course.H.Eighth inspection. An inspection will be made of all work as required on sidewalks, curbing, grass plots, side slopes, monuments, bounds and street signs.I.Ninth inspection. A final inspection will be made of all subsequent work as required herein or on the definitive plan to include the final cleanup.