§ 801-48. Grass plots.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Requirements. A grass plot shall be provided on each side of all roadways according to the typical road cross sections. (See Appendix.) The finished grade of the grass plot in relation to the finished grade of the roadway shall be as shown on the typical road cross section.
    Specifications. The top six inches of grass plots and side slopes (cut or fill) shall be good quality loam as approved by the engineer and shall be screened, raked and rolled with a hand roller to finished grade. The loam shall be of good quality that will support the growth of grass without requiring heavy use of pesticides or fertilizers. After installation of loam, the applicant's engineer shall submit test results of the organic content, pH and nutrient content of the loam. The loam shall be seeded with lawn grass seed applied in sufficient quantity to assure adequate coverage and establish growth. Grass seed shall consist of a seed mixture suitable for the location and containing a substantial proportion of fescue and perennial rye seed. The applicant shall perform sufficient cuttings and maintain the grass plot until such time as the street is accepted by the Town, or the Board finds that the subdivision is complete.