§ 801-35. Utilities.

Latest version.
  • A. 
    General requirements. The Board may require that the plan show utilities of the kinds existing in the public ways nearest to the subdivision, or which in the opinion of the Board are likely to be laid in such public ways within the reasonably near future and which will be necessary for the health, safety, or convenience of the prospective occupants of the subdivision.
    Location. The utilities and sleeves for house connections shall be located as shown on the typical road cross sections. The number and type of sleeves for house connections will be directed by the Board.
    Sewer system design. The design of the sewer system, if required, shall be as directed and approved by the Department of Public Works. A functional sewer collection system complete with service connection to the property line shall be required in areas that now have service or are scheduled for such service within three years.
    Public supply standards. The applicant shall work with the Fire District or water company and provide the Board with documentation of compliance with their water supply standards. Wherever feasible, water supply shall be provided from a public water supply system. Where any part of any lot is at elevation 100 feet (msl) or higher, the applicant shall submit calculations documenting supply adequacy.
    Private supply standards. Where connection to an adequate public water supply is infeasible, the Planning Board shall approve a subdivision only upon its determination, following consultation with the Fire Department, that reserved access to a fire pond or other provisions for water supply will adequately provide for fire safety.
    Design of water system. The design of the water system and provision for hydrant service shall be as directed or approved by the Fire District or water company in accordance with the typical road cross sections. In the case where sidewalks are to be constructed on one side of the roadway, the water and hydrants shall be on the opposite side of the roadway.
    Location of hydrants. The location and type of hydrants and size of pipe serving the hydrants shall be as directed or approved by the Fire District or water company, if required.
    Fire alarm boxes. The location and type of the fire alarm boxes and point of entry into the subdivision of the connecting fire alarm cable shall be as directed by the Fire Chief. The applicant shall furnish and install the necessary ducts, fire alarm boxes, and electric cable.
    Electric power system. The design and location of the electric power system shall be as directed by the electric company. The system shall be constructed to a standard which will enable the electric company to accept it as part of their system upon completion.
    Gas service. The applicant shall consult the gas company relative to coordination of the installation of gas pipes, if gas service is to be installed.
    Telephone service. The applicant shall consult with the telephone company relative to the installation of telephone service.
    Location of wires. All electrical, telephone, and other utility wires shall be placed below ground in every subdivision, unless the Board determines that such placement is not feasible or is not in the best interest of the Town.
    Utility service connections. All service connections for utilities shall be clearly marked at the lot line and shall be installed so that electric, telephone, sewer, and water services are located on the lot line perpendicular to the street, and the gas service is located on the alternate lot line, and said service connection shall be installed prior to the completion of the fill.