§ 801-23. Preliminary plan.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    General provisions. The purpose of the submission of a preliminary plan will be to enable the applicant, the Board and other municipal agencies to discuss and clarify the problems of such subdivision before a definitive plan is prepared. In the case of a subdivision showing lots in a residential zone, any person, before submitting a definitive plan for approval, may submit a preliminary plan to the Planning Board and to the Board of Health. In the case of a nonresidential subdivision, any person before submitting a definitive plan for approval shall submit a preliminary plan to the Planning Board and the Board of Health. Prior to submitting a plan, the applicant shall contact the Planning Board office and shall be assigned a subdivision number which shall appear on the plan. During discussions of the preliminary plan, information required for the definitive plan will be developed.
    Submission procedure.
    The following materials shall be submitted to the Planning Board office:
    One copy of the properly executed Form B and Form B Checklist.
    Copy of the most recently recorded deed and tax bill for each parcel of land. Evidence of payment of all taxes.
    Written authorization to submit the application on behalf of the owner, if the applicant is not the owner of all the land shown on the Subdivision Plan.
    The required filing fee.
    Eight prints of the preliminary plan.
    Ten copies of the plan at a reduced scale of one inch equals 100 feet, or other suitable scale for distribution.
    If the applicant proposes to seek a waiver of strict compliance with these rules and regulations, a written general description of such waiver request(s) shall be submitted with the preliminary plan in accordance with § 801-5.
    It is recommended that nine copies of the completed Environmental Analysis Form be submitted with the preliminary plan, if required, or a waiver requested.
    The preliminary plan shall not be deemed to have been submitted to the Board until the application, checklist, plans and filing fee have been delivered to the Planning Board and are fully completed in accordance with these rules and regulations. The Planning Board may deny plans that are incomplete and/or do not meet the submission requirements of these regulations.
    The applicant shall file by delivery or registered mail a copy of the completed application Form B with the Town Clerk stating the date of submission of the preliminary plan to the Planning Board.
    Contents of plan. The preliminary plan shall be submitted on tracing paper or a print thereof, and shall be drawn at a suitable scale. The plans shall show the following:
    The subdivision name and number, North arrow, and the words "preliminary plan."
    A key map shall be included on the preliminary plan showing the locus of the property with adjacent streets sufficient to determine the actual location of the subdivision, at a scale of one inch equals 2,000 feet.
    A title block containing Fire District and location, the owner(s) and applicant(s) name(s), date, scale, bar scale.
    The name and address of the firm responsible for the plan; an original seal on the original plan and all full-size copies, with signature and date provided by the responsible professional engineer and/or registered land surveyor. Revisions shall be clearly noted near the title block with reference number, date, description and initials of the person responsible for the revisions.
    The Assessor's map and parcel number(s), zoning district(s) and zoning overlay district(s), zoning area, frontage, yard and width requirements. The total area of the subdivision shall be located directly below the key map.
    The boundaries of the subdivision and intersection of adjoining property lines with the names of all abutters as they appear on the most recent tax list.
    The existing and proposed lines of streets, ways, and their classification as a major, secondary, minor A or B street, easements, and any public areas, within or adjacent to the subdivision; with ownership status and existing pavement, if any, designated for abutting ways. The legal status of a way shall be as determined by the Town Engineer and/or Town Clerk.
    The top and toe of proposed slopes adjacent to the roadways.
    Sight distances at intersections of subdivision roads with existing streets. Sight distances shall be measured in accordance with § 801-13.
    The approximate boundary lines of lots with approximate areas and divisions; the approximate area of wetlands on each parcel. Lots shall be numbered consecutively.
    The proposed and existing system of drainage, including adjacent existing natural waterways, in a general manner.
    The topography of the land shown by contours. If survey information on topography is not available at the preliminary plan stage, topographic information shall be utilized from the Town's Information Technology Department, GIS Division, indicating contours at two-foot intervals.
    Significant site features including:
    Wetlands, water bodies, flood zone boundaries, kettle holes and natural drainage patterns; and/or
    Existing building structures and stone walls.
    Wetlands and water bodies within 200 feet of the perimeter of the subdivision.
    Slopes in excess of 10%.
    Existing water mains, sewers and utilities adjoining and within the subdivision. The location of any existing utility poles in or adjacent to the subdivision.
    A plan showing in a general manner the proposed overall development of all contiguous land, if any, in the same ownership.
    Location of the proposed subdivision with regard to:
    Historical District or other designation as an historically significant property.
    Editor's Note: See Ch. 112, Historic Properties.
    Flood areas as depicted on the special FIA Flood Insurance Rate Maps.
    Areas of critical environmental concern as designated by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Office of Environmental Affairs.
    Designated scenic roads.
    Districts of Critical Planning Concern as designated by the Cape Cod Commission.
    Location within a critical habitat as designated by the 1990 APCC publication "Cape Cod Critical Habitats Atlas."
    Board actions. The Board shall, within 45 days after submission give such preliminary plan its approval with or without modification, or shall disapprove such plan stating its reasons. The applicant shall be notified by certified mail of the Board's decision and any conditions of approval. The Town Clerk shall be notified of the Board's decision in writing.