§ 407-7. Gear restrictions and regulations.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Clams and razor clams may be taken with a standard clam hoe (rake) or hand plunger in areas designated by the Town Manager. No shovels, forks or other devices or materials shall be used, unless approved by the Natural Resources Office.
    Quahogs and oysters may be taken by hand, rakes, tongs, dipnet and bull rake. No other device may be used, unless approved by Natural Resources.
    Eels and elvers may be taken by pots, spears or angling. A recreational shellfish permit must be in possession; the limit for recreational permit holders is 10 pots; all pots and buoys are to be marked with the permit holder's name, and buoys must be painted bright green. A permit is not required to take eels for recreational use by spears or angling.
    Skin or scuba diving. All persons skin or scuba diving for shellfish shall display the diver-down flag and, upon request, produce a Town of Barnstable shellfish permit.
Amended 5-2005