§ 401-93. Training.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Policy. It shall be the joint responsibility of the appointing authority or designee and Human Resources Director to foster and promote employee training programs, contingent upon funding, for the purpose of improving the quality of personal service rendered to citizens and aiding employees to equip themselves for advancement in the service.
    Administration of the employee training program. The Human Resources Director, with the approval of the Town Manager, shall be responsible for:
    Establishing standards for training programs.
    Providing assistance to department managers in developing and conducting training to meet the specific needs of their departments and in developing and utilizing other techniques for increasing employee efficiency.
    Developing supervisory and management training and other types of training and employee development programs common to all departments.
    Providing assistance to department managers in establishing standards of performance and procedures for evaluating employee performance, potential for growth, and identifying training needs.
    Keeping records of all approved training courses and programs and record of employees who successfully complete such courses and programs.
    Evaluating the effectiveness of training programs.
    Identifying training needs. At the time of the annual supervisor-employee appraisal discussion, the supervisor and employee should discuss areas where training is needed or desirable for performance in the employee's present job, or would be helpful in developing additional skills for growth into other positions in the Town service. The supervisor should forward a written report of training needs, through department managers to the Human Resources Director. Department managers should, through contact with the Human Resources Director and the public community, keep themselves apprised of training programs that may be of help or interest both to themselves and to their employees, and should nominate employees for appropriate training courses.
    Educational tuition reimbursement policy. To encourage Town employees to further their educational, professional, and vocational development, the Town will reimburse the cost of tuition and nonrefundable fees for courses related to the employee's current position taken from an accredited college, university, or technical school according to established reimbursement rate schedules and budget limitations.
    Eligibility. All regular, full-time employees are eligible to participate in the tuition reimbursement program. It is not the policy of the Town to reimburse the cost of tuition and fees for any individual who is receiving or is eligible to receive assistance from such other sources as scholarships, grants, and other subsidy programs (e.g., GI. Bill).
    Limitations. Employees are limited to three courses per fiscal year with a maximum allowance of $500 per course.