§ 240-130.7. Design guidelines.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Purpose: The purpose of these design guidelines is to enhance the traditional small-scale village character currently found in the CVD through the use of compatible building materials, appropriate scale and architectural details currently found within the district or immediate surrounding area. New structures are encouraged to complement, but not necessarily duplicate, surrounding structures.
    To encourage site planning and architectural design that will enhance the existing historic character of the CVD.
    Ensure that redevelopment and new development is compatible with the existing character of the CVD while encouraging variety through flexibility in the application of these design standards.
    Application: The design guidelines set forth herein do not apply to legally established structures in existence as of the effective date of the CVD but shall apply to all new development, to any additions to existing structures and to all reconstruction projects except as provided for in § 240-130.4D(1)(e). These design guidelines shall not apply to walk-in coolers, freezers or their accessories for an ice cream specialty retail use. Any such coolers, freezers and accessories shall be attached to the side or rear of the principal structure and shall be appropriately screened from street view.
    Massing: Buildings or portions of buildings with a mass, including rooflines, over 32 feet in length must divide their elevations into smaller parts through a variety of architectural elements, including but not limited to dormers or additive massing as well as pronounced changes in wall planes. Flat and shed roof architectural elements are limited to a length of 20 linear feet and only in combination with other gable or hip roof elements; except that ground floor open porches may have a longer expanse of shed roof on a structure that otherwise meets these massing provisions.
    Roof pitch: Except as permitted under massing herein, roof pitch and pattern for new structures and additions to existing structures shall complement the roof pitches found on the main rooflines of existing structures within the CVD and the immediate surrounding area or at least 4 in 12 where the roofs of surrounding structures are flat or only slightly pitched.
    Ground floor windows for nonresidential development:
    All new nonresidential development, including nonresidential portions of mixed-use developments, shall provide ground floor windows along street facades, including windows that allow view into working areas or lobbies, pedestrian entrances, or display windows. The glazing pattern shall be aligned in a regular and traditional pattern as found within the CVD and the immediate surrounding area.
    Window glazing or films that inhibit two-way visibility, such as darkly tinted and mirrored windows, are prohibited as ground floor windows. Mirrored windows are prohibited throughout the CVD.
    Street facade blank walls greater than four feet in length that do not include display areas, functional landscape structures such as a trellis, windows, architectural features, and/or doorways are prohibited.
    Architectural details and materials:
    Architectural character of buildings must complement the historic character of buildings found within the CVD and the immediate surrounding area.
    Facade materials shall be high-quality, authentic materials such as wood, stone or brick. Manufactured materials intended to duplicate the look of natural materials may be allowed.
    External side elements, including but not limited to screening devices, site walls, enclosed service, loading and refuse areas and mechanical equipment, shall be designed as an integral part of the building's architectural character.
    Primary entrance to buildings, other than single-family homes, shall be distinguished with facade variations, porticos, roof variations, recesses or other integral architecturally appropriate building elements.
    Extended bands of corporate or franchise colors are prohibited in the CVD.
    Metal-sided buildings are prohibited in the CVD.
    The following design features shall be incorporated into structures within the CVD where architecturally appropriate. Structures shall include at least one of the following elements:
    Offsets on the building face or roof of at least two inches.
    Gable dormers.
    Cupolas or other appropriate roof elements.
    Covered porches.