§ 240-102. Contents of site plan.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The site plan shall include one or more appropriately scaled maps or drawings of the property, drawn to an engineer's scale, clearly and accurately indicating such elements of the following information as are pertinent to the development activity proposed:
    Legal description, Planning Board subdivision number (if applicable), Assessors' Map and parcel number and address (if applicable) of the property.
    Name, address and phone number of the property owner and applicant, if different than the property owner.
    Name, address, and phone number of the developer, contractor, engineer, other design professional and agent or legal representative.
    Complete property dimensions, area and zoning classification of property.
    Existing and proposed topographical contours of the property taken at two-foot contour intervals by a registered engineer or registered land surveyor.
    The nature, location and size of all significant existing natural land features, including, but not limited to, tree, shrub, or brush masses, all individual trees over 10 inches in caliper, grassed areas, large surface rock in excess of six feet in diameter and soil features.
    Location of all wetlands or water-bodies on the property and within 100 feet of the perimeter of the development activity.
    The location, grade and dimensions of all present and/or proposed streets, ways and easements and any other paved surfaces.
    Engineering cross sections of proposed new curbs and pavements, and vision triangles measured in feet from any proposed curb cut along the street on which access is proposed.
    Location, height, elevation, interior and exterior dimensions and uses of all buildings or structures, both proposed and existing; location, number and area of floors; number and type of dwelling units; location of emergency exits, retaining walls, existing and proposed signs.
    Location of all existing and proposed utilities and storage facilities including septic systems and any storage materials, truck loading and parking areas, tanks, garbage dumpsters and recyclable storage materials.
    Proposed surface treatment of paved areas and the location and design of drainage systems with drainage calculations prepared by a registered civil engineer.
    Complete parking and traffic circulation plan, if applicable, showing location and dimensions of parking stalls, dividers, bumper stops, required buffer areas and planting beds.
    Lighting plan showing the location, direction and intensity of existing and proposed external light fixtures.
    A landscaping plan showing the location, name, number and size of plant types, and the locations and elevation and/or height of planting beds, fences, walls, steps and paths.
    A location map or other drawing at appropriate scale showing the general location and relation of the property to surrounding areas including, where relevant, the zoning and land use pattern or adjacent properties, the existing street system in the area and location of nearby public facilities.
    Location within an Historical District and any other designation as an historically significant property, and the age and type of each existing building and structure on the site which is more than 50 years old.
    Location of site with regard to the GP Groundwater Protection Overlay District and WP Well Protection Overlay District as shown on the Official Zoning Map, § 240-6A, Identification of Zoning Map.
    [Amended 9-17-1998 by Order No. 99-012]
    Location of site with regard to flood areas regulated by § 240-34 herein.
    Location of site with regard to areas of critical environmental concern as designated by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Office of Environmental Affairs.
    Additional information may be required by the Building Commissioner or his designee, as reasonably necessary, to make determinations required by this article.